Sunday, July 29, 2012

It's been a long time.

Trying to re-access my account was a challenge.
Not sure why.
But anyways, I am back.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Psychological Intimacy

It has been awhile since I last posted.

I had my niece to visit me.
She stayed at my place.
Her visit was very relaxed and we got to chat a lot.
It felt so good to spend some alone time with her.

And just now, while writing, I realized something.
I have previously written about the fact
that I have a lack of intimacy in my life.
And yet there are people in my life, like my niece,
with whom I could develop a closer, more intimate relationship.
It has kind of brought to light my own part in my loneliness.
I am so fearful of letting people in,
letting them get close enough that I can get hurt or disappointed.
That I contribute to my own loneliness.
There are times when I have needs but I don't ask for help.
I don't ask for anything, really.
I just give, and give.
And then I wonder why I feel so empty.
So alone.
I am afraid that if I ask for something,
and it is refused,
that I won't have the strength to let it go.
Learning how NOT to take things personally is very difficult for me.
I give so easily, often without being asked,
that I don't understand why it doesn't work that way for other people.

I know, I know.
You have to ask for what you need.
People cannot read your mind.
Psychology 101.

It still upsets me.
It is so easy for me to give it away,
and so hard to ask for it in return.
And so I give, and I give until
the one time that I really need help and am forced to ask for it.
And at that point, if the help is not there,
the one time I really need it,
then I abandon the whole relationship.

There are so many elements in play with this psychology
that I could go on for hours.
Suffice to say that if I want greater intimacy in my life,
I just need to take a risk and ask for it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Second Cycle of Communication - CW


James was driving towards his daughter's school.
He was going to pick her up as he usually did on Tuesday's after school.
He would then drive her straight to swim practice
at the university's olympic pool.
He always gave himself enough time to get there,
particularly since the speedlimit in the school zone was very slow.

James made a right hand turn
while continuing to drive 30 km/hr. as was the limit.
In his rearview mirror he could see a black SUV bearing down on him.
The car gave no sign of slowing down.
A moment later the SUV was right on his tailgate.
In response to the other driver's dangerous driving
James' reaction was to slow down to 25km/hr.

At this point the other driver started to honk his horn nonstop.
James looked back at the other driver in his rearview mirror
to see that the man was giving him the finger.

-"Jesus! What is that guy's problem?" James wondered in irritation.
"He's going to cause an accident."
James continued to drive below the speedlimit 
in the hopes that the driver of the SUV would pass him.
But instead of passing him, the other driver just leaned on the horn.
The driver's incessant honking made his aggravation very clear.
James sighed in exasperation and decided to pull over 
to let the SUV driver pass him.

As James pulled over to the right,
the angry driver pulled up alongside of James' Honda.
James looked over to see the man's face.
The man's eyes were bulging out of his head.
His face was beet red.
His teeth were bared like the fangs of a wild animal.
Blue veins were popping out of the man's neck
as he reamed off a series of expletives.
James was shocked by the man's savage aggression.
Then his adrenaline kicked in.

-"Why don't you just pass me, you stupid idiot?", James yelled in the man's direction.
He was sure the man would get the general idea.

The man got it, alright.
The other driver's face was so red 
that he looked like his head would explode.
He slammed on the brakes.
Then he leaned against his door to open it.
The driver of the SUV stepped out of his car.
He then turned towards his back door, opened it,
and reached down to pick something up.

James froze for one second 
until he saw the man approaching his car with a baseball bat.
As he reached for his cell phone 
he wondered how the day could go so terribly wrong.    


Friday, September 16, 2011

First Cycle of Communication - CW



Elaine: -"Well, can we at least talk about it?"

Paul: -"We've already gone over this, Elaine.
What is there left to say?
You've made your point very clear."

Elaine: -"But I feel as if we are not understanding each other." 

Paul: -"I understand what you are saying perfectly well. 
You want me to leave my job."

Elaine: -"I did not say that. You see. 
We are not hearing the same things.
I said that I wanted you to leave you job earlier at night.
Sometimes they have you working overtime until 9 o'clock.
We never see each other anymore. I miss you.
What kind of a life is that?"

Paul: -" Oh! I misunderstood. 
I thought you wanted me to leave my job.
Look! I miss you too. But the project is finished in two weeks.
Can you hold out for another two weeks?
Then I'll speak with my boss and tell him 
that I can no longer work past 6pm.
Truth be told I'm exhausted.
And if he doesn't accept my conditions 
I'll start looking for a new job. Promise!"

Elaine: -"Oh! Paul----That's all I wanted.
I am tired of always being alone. I love you.
And I want us to have more time together.
That's all. As long as you speak with him 
after your project is finished in two weeks, 
I can wait. We have our vacation in five weeks, anyways."

Paul: -"I love you too.
Don't worry. I'll talk to him in two weeks.
C'mon. Let's get to bed." 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sangria on a terrasse....

Well, last night, despite the chill of the evenings,
I sat outside with a friend
and had what might be the last Sangria of the season.
It felt so good to eat outside in mid-September.
Great company.
Good food.
And great Sangria!

Monday, September 12, 2011

4 Cycles of Communication - CW
